- Arrive early. If you are late, you may be held in the lobby until an appropriate time for seating. Latecomers disturb performers and audience members, so it is best to arrive about 30 minutes prior to showtime.
- All bags will be checked prior to entering the theater. To see the entire Bag Check policy, please click here.
- Please be seated in the assigned seat, to not cause confusion to other patrons.
- Silence all cell phones. Not only is it embarrassing if it goes off, but it breaks the mood for audience members! We encourage social media usage, but please do it at the appropriate time.
- Most shows at the Morris do not allow photography. Flash photography inside the theater is never permitted – it is a distraction and danger to performers.
- The sound system for each show is provided by the touring production. Unfortunately, many variables exist that may hinder sound quality. Please let an usher know if you are having trouble hearing.
- Listen up, lovebirds! When you cuddle, you block the view of the people behind you. Please be considerate.
- If you are in need of assistance during the show, please seek the nearest usher.
- Always wait until the actors take their final bows before leaving, and exit when the show is over. Parking is a pain, but please be courteous to the show!
- Outside food and beverage is not permitted inside the Morris. Refreshment bars are available inside the theater to purchase snacks and refreshments.
- Attending a live performance can be a magical and memorable experience for children. Please take the time to select a proper show for children. By order of the Fire Marshall, every child who attends must have their own ticket.